Men’s Health: Important Things You Need To Know About Your Health

Why is Men’s health important? How can a man improve his health? What is a common health problem in men? What are some of the men’s health issues? What is the relation between health and fitness? What are the benefits of being healthy as a man? This article will answer these and more questions about men’s health.

Hallo. My name is Sean Galla, and I am a facilitator for online support groups for men, including men’s wellness and health support groups. My work involves creating safe spaces where men can come together to share, learn and talk about different issues that affect men, including health and wellness.

I have been working with men for more than 11 years and know firsthand how a lack of good health can affect the lives of men and why every man needs to learn how to care for their health properly. In this article, I will answer all your questions about men’s health and give tips and helpful advice on how to live a happy and healthy life as a man.

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Written by

Sean Galla

An experienced facilitator, community builder and Peer Support Specialist, Sean has been running men's groups for 10+ years. Read Sean's Full Author Bio.

Men and Their Health

Men and Their Health

For many decades, men have been seen as these tough, stoic humans who can take on everything. It is a common stereotype that men rarely get sick, which is why there are more women than men in emergency rooms, as men are less likely to see a doctor and women care more about women’s health.

A study finds that at least 65% of men will put off going to the doctor for as long as possible. This makes it difficult for most men to seek preventative and early detection healthcare. This shows how less concerned men are about their health compared to women.

Health guide statistics show that while men are unlikely to see a medical practitioner, they are more likely to engage in risky health behaviors such as drinking, smoking, and dangerous sexual activity and are less likely to lead a healthy lifestyle. Even when they eventually see a doctor, some men willingly lie to the practitioner for different reasons. These include:

  • Embarrassment (46%)
  • Don’t want to have to change their lifestyle/diet (36%)
  • Not ready to face the diagnosis or prefer not to know (37%)

Even with this nonchalant attitude toward health topics and healthcare, men are still susceptible to health conditions such as depression, obesity, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and even heart disease. In addition to these conditions, men risk developing more male-related health issues such as prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement.

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The ‘Man up’ Attitude

Even in 2022, it is still common to hear people use phrases such as ‘be a man about it’ or ‘man up’ when talking to a man who shows emotions or sensitivity. This makes it difficult for men to seek help, even when faced with an evident health crisis. Using such phrases shows how society sees men and the narrow-minded expectation it continues to have about men and masculinity.

Using these phrases continues to promote the idea that showing emotion is only acceptable amongst females and, therefore, should not be done by men. In this way, society continues to make it harder for men to seek help, including when they are going through health issues.  

Why Is Men’s Health Important?

In the United States, statistics show that men die five years early compared to women on average. Though the numbers may differ, the statistic is fairly the same in most parts of the world. These numbers also show that men’s leading causes of death include unintentional injury, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Even with these staggering numbers, topics on men’s health, whether mental or physical, are often brushed under the carpet and assumed to be non-existent thanks to the stereotypes formed about men and their nature.

The key to living a long, healthy life is seeing a doctor as often as possible for early detection and preventative care. With early detection, a man can increase the chances of successfully treating a condition by treating the symptoms on their onset.

Men need to break the tough-guy stereotype when it comes to their health and understand that seeing a doctor and caring for your health is never a show of weakness but rather a part of self-care. Through early detection and preventative medicine, it is possible to keep most health conditions at bay and enjoy a happy and healthy life.

Common Men’s Health Issues to Watch Out For

To be able to care for your health, it is important first to understand what is at stake if you do not. Failing to go for regular screening often makes it hard for early detection. This means that you only discover you are ill when it is sometimes too late.

As a man, you can take back control of your health and life by starting to go for regular checks and prioritizing early detection and prevention. This includes adopting healthy eating habits, quitting risky health behavior like risky sexual behavior, smoking, and excessive consumption of alcohol, and ensuring you build a good doctor-patient relationship through going for regular checkups.

Some of the most common health issues amongst men to look out for include:

Heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death amongst men. This is because men ignore the signs until it is too late. Taking charge of your heart health is possible by managing the risk factors. This includes eating healthy diets, staying active by exercising, reducing stress, and ensuring you take your medication as instructed. It is also ideal to ensure you go for regular checkups and screening to detect complications at their onset.


According to a CDC report, this is the second leading cause of death amongst men. Common cancers affecting men’s health include colorectal, prostate, skin, and lung cancers. Healthcare providers recommend regular screening to combat these cancers or keep them at bay.


Men run a higher risk of contracting type 2 diabetes at a lower weight than women. This is because most men carry their weight around their bellies, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Doctors recommend weight management and adopting a healthy lifestyle as ideal ways of reducing the risk of this disease.

Erectile Dysfunction

This is a prevalent condition amongst men, especially those above 75. However, it is becoming increasingly common amongst younger men due to lifestyle issues. Most younger men avoid seeing the doctor for this issue because they feel embarrassed. Seeing a doctor at the onset of the problem can be the best way to improve your sex life.  

HPV and STIs

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common STI amongst men. While it mostly resolves on its own, some cases can cause other health issues amongst men, including penile cancer and genital warts. Failing to undergo regular screening is a health risk for the man and his sexual partners.  

Low testosterone levels

As a man grows older, his testosterone levels begin to drop. Symptoms of low t can sometimes cause unwelcome side effects such as reduced sex drive and trouble concentrating. Regular screening makes it easier to balance the hormone using supplements and find other underlying conditions that may be causing the decline.


This is one of the most common mental health issues amongst men that goes undiagnosed or untreated. There is still a lot of stigma around mental health conditions, making it harder for men to seek help. Sometimes, depression is harder to diagnose in men because the symptoms are not what one would typically expect in a depressed individual. Some men experience depression in the form of anger and irritability as opposed to overwhelming sadness.


Since the onset of the pandemic in late 2019, it has been found that the coronavirus hits men harder than women. Research shows men who contract this condition are more likely to need hospital invention or even die. It is paramount to ensure you get your covid-19 vaccinations to reduce the risk of severe illness or death.

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How Men Can Take Better Care of Their Health

How Men Can Take Better Care of Their Health

The best way to improve men’s health is through preventative measures. This includes regular screening and seeing a doctor whenever you suspect something is wrong. Here are the top checkups every man should be making and their timelines.

What do you need to get checked annually?

Blood sugar levels

as you age, you need to have annual checks for your blood glucose to decrease the likelihood of developing diabetes and cardiac disease. Along with a diabetes diagnosis, it is common for people to show symptoms of kidney damage, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction from nerve damage. It is possible to manage early signs of diabetes with regular exercise and an improved diet.

Skin screening

Men from a family with a history of skin cancer or any other cancer should have their skin checked at least once a year. This is also ideal for men who may have experienced excessive sunburns as this is a risk factor for skin cancer. At home, men should look out for skin moles and birthmarks to be able to notice changes. Ensure you regularly use sunscreen.

PSA testing

Statistics show that one in seven men develops prostate cancer, making this the second most common type of cancer amongst men. Every man should undergo PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) testing at least once a year. This should also include DREs (digital rectal exams) for early detection and prevention.

What do you need to get every three to four years?


This is a rite of passage to any man above 50, as this is the risk age factor for colon cancer. Other risk factors for the condition include consuming diets high in animal fat and inflammatory bowel disease.

Cholesterol and high blood pressure check

Hypertension is a leading cause of stroke amongst men, while cholesterol leads to severe cardiovascular issues that can lead to heart attacks or a stroke. Men above the age of 20 need to screen for these issues at least once every four years, and annually for men above 50 to keep things under control.  

On the other hand, if you’re looking for information about Men’s Mental Health, then follow now.

Living a Healthy Lifestyle Is Vital for Men’s Health

Even as you start to take your health more seriously and go for regular screening, what you do between doctor visits is the most important part of caring for men’s health. It is possible to prevent diseases and lead a healthier life by changing your lifestyle. Here are ways to do so.

Exercise regularly 

It is recommended that adults should work out three to four times a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes. The routines should incorporate weight training and cardiovascular workouts.

Eat a balanced diet 

Adopt a healthier diet by incorporating nutritious foods into your meal options. This includes having enough vegetables, protein, fiber, fruits, lean meat, and complex carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods and added sugars.

Stay hydrated

Ensure you are taking adequate amounts of water throughout the day to remain hydrated.

Avoid smoking 

90% of all lung cancer diagnoses are amongst smokers. Smoking increases the risk of many other chronic illnesses.

Limit alcohol intake

Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to cognitive impairment, liver issues, and other health issues. It is important to limit your intake of alcohol to lead a more balanced, healthier life.

Get enough rest and sleep 

Adult males need at least 7 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep every night. Good sleep is important for healthy living and even weight loss.  

Join a support group 

Support groups for men’s health and self-improvement give men a platform to meet like-minded men who can also become their health network and accountability partner on their journey to wellness. MensGroup is a leading online self-improvement group open to men from all walks of life.

More about MensGroup


If you are a man interested in self-improvement and caring better for your health, Men’s Group is a men-only online group for you. seeks to mentor men and offer support to help them become better versions of themselves. Whether you want to get healthy, get the latest news on men’s health, medical advice, take on a more active lifestyle, or become a better version of yourself mentally, has everything you need to do this, including discussing the latest topics and trends on the men’s health magazine. You are guaranteed to succeed in the company of fellow men at


Do not wait for men’s health months to get concerned about your health. The same way men take care of their cars or possessions is the same way they should be concerned about their health, if not more. Lack of awareness, unhealthy work, and lifestyle, and weak health education has long been the leading cause of poor health amongst men. with the information in this article, men can be better informed about their health and how they can take charge.  

Learning how to improve yourself as a man can change your life for the better. When you start working on yourself, you positively impact different parts of your life.

If you want to improve yourself and do not know where to start, joining MensGroup can place you on the way to total self-improvement and improved health. You will meet mentors, advisors, and facilitators waiting to help you become a better you. 

1. What Do You Want to Know About Men’s Health?
2. Men's Health
3. 10 Simple Men’s Health Tips You Can Try Right Now
4. What Men Should Know at All Ages to Keep Healthy