Have An Issue And Nobody Can Relate?

You’re Not Alone.

Men want to talk about their challenges with others who can relate, but where do you go to find other guys facing similar things? How do you start the conversations?

All The Research Shows Going It Alone Makes Things Harder For Men

Despite having friends, family & coworkers around each day, most men don’t get to talk about what’s on their minds. Nor do we have healthy male role models to learn from. This peculiar isolation results in:

  • Challenges feeling more difficult to navigate
  • Pressure and overwhelm
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Rocky relationships
  • Poor boundaries (“Nice Guy Syndrome”)
  • Loneliness
  • A lack of results
  • Unhealthy behaviors & addictions (Porn etc)

Guys want to overcome challenges and grow, but they DON’T have the RIGHT people around them to help them grow.

Men’s Group Provides Easy Access To Supportive Guys & Conversations

Men need an efficient way to access self-improvement conversations, healthy male role models, and supportive guy friends. We create opportunities for this through our:

  • Thriving discussion community
  • Topic-specific men’s groups on Zoom
  • General men’s support groups on Zoom
  • Social hangouts on Zoom
  • Resource library: books, videos, podcasts & more!

Men’s Groups That Don’t Suck!

150+ online men’s group meetings per month & a thriving discussion forum.

mens group logo

A Few Of The Challenges We Tackle Together

Breakup Recovery

Breakups, divorces, separations, and infidelities can be BRUTAL to go through. You’ll move through your breakup quicker and easier with a group of guys who can relate and offer guidance. We have specific groups for guys going through a divorce, breakup or infidelity!

Nice Guy Syndrome

Are you a “nice guy” that lacks boundaries? Hearing how other men set and respect healthy boundaries will help you learn how to do the same. We have specific groups for nice guys in recovery where guys share and get stronger with their boundaries!

Porn Addiction

There isn’t a man alive that hasn’t wrestled with porn addiction. The challenge is that it can have dramatic effects on your romantic relationship and sex drive. The good news is that you’re not alone. We have specific groups for porn addiction where guys share daily!

Relationship Issues

Having a group of supportive guys to bounce relationship situations off of and to receive guidance on how to handle relationship stuff in healthier ways, will dramatically improve your relationships. We have specific groups like “saving relationships” and “communication skills for men” that will help.

Making More Guy Friends

As a guy, it’s not easy to find and build friendships. A men’s group is a done-for-you friend service. We find and introduce you to guys that are focused on personal growth and desire community & friends. We also have a number of social hangouts that make it easy to make guy friends.

Better Communication Skills

Just having to explain your situation and how you feel about it will sharpen your communication sword. You will also learn how men communicate things in healthy ways with friends, family, and partners.

Infidelity Recovery

Few things are more difficult to navigate in a relationship than cheating. It doesn’t matter whether you have been cheated on or the one who made a mistake, you will find guys in our infidelity meetings who can relate!

Dropping Bad Habits!

Porn, drugs, gambling, booze, over-eating, and other bad habits are easier to drop when you have a supportive crew of guys that are trying to make similar changes. We’ve had so many guys give up these things for good in part because of their men’s group.

Better Parenting & Family

Parenting and managing family issues can be challenging a lot of the time. You’ll find these things easier to navigate with a supportive group of guys who are also trying to be better dads and get better at managing family drama.

Men's Group Access
$23.95 /mo
  • Men's Support Groups on Zoom
  • Topic-Specific Men's Groups on Zoom
  • Social Hang-Outs on Zoom
  • Discussion Forum (Web & App)
  • Member Rolodex
  • Weekly Event Reminders
  • No Contract. Leave Any Time
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Get Access

Try It Out With Our 100% Money Back Guarantee!

You can try out our men’s groups without any risk. If you don’t like our community for any reason and want your money back, within 30-days just email us and we’re happy to issue a refund.

By Helping Each Other Overcome Challenges, We All Become Better Men

What About Confidentiality?

We take confidentiality VERY seriously in our community because that is what ensures everyone feels safe to share. We have a 100% confidentiality policy, meaning whatever is shared in our meetings or in our forums – including who shared it – can not be shared elsewhere. In 10+ years we have not seen a breach of confidentiality, nor do we expect to soon.

Working Together Gets Us To Our Goals Faster And Feels Way Better

How To Get Started?

  1. Click the “Get Access” button below & enter your info
  2. You are instantly added to our community platform
  3. We’ll send some intros to guys with similar challenges, interests, life stages & goals
  4. RSVP on the platform for any of the drop-in men’s groups and social groups

That’s it!

Try It Out With Our 100% Money Back Guarantee!

You can try out our men’s groups without any risk. If you don’t like our community for any reason and want your money back, within 30-days just email us and we’re happy to issue a refund.

Men's Group Access
$23.95 /mo
  • Men's Support Groups
  • Topic-Specific Men's Groups
  • Social Hang-Outs
  • Discussion Forum (Web & App)
  • Member Rolodex
  • Weekly Event Reminders
  • No Contract. Leave Any Time
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Get Access