Make A Difference!
So many men lack purpose. Most of us never had one true calling until we found men’s groups. Men need a purpose to feel good about themselves.
Our men’s group leaders take on a leadership role, helping other guys to talk about the things on their minds. These meetings have led to hundreds of lives saved (suicides avoided), marriages saved, incredible friendships, and fun conversations.
These wouldn’t happen without our facilitators. You can help these good men too!
Free Access To MensGroup
To ensure that our moderators like you feel appreciated and are compensated for their time, we will offer you a free membership. You can access 140+ meetings per month including our social hangouts, topic-specific meetings, general support groups, and anonymous audio meetings.
We also have thriving message forums, a resource library and a long list of members from all around the world, some of who will share your issues and will be happy to talk.
In MensGroup you’ll find support on demand and thousands of incredible guys who want to improve themselves and to talk about it!
Find Your Tribe
You care about people. You want to help men. You enjoy having real conversations and want to have more of them in your life. You aren’t afraid of seeing other guys get emotional and you desire close relationships with other guys.
These are all very positive things, yet it can feel like you’re weird, because nobody around you is interested in similar things. People might have made you feel like you’re strange.
Most people avoid sensitive subjects and hard questions out of fear. But we have gathered a fantastic group of guys who care about personal growth, desire to lead men’s group, and support each other with both.
Our facilitator meetings are productive, and supportive and help us all grow into better leaders and men.
Come and find your tribe!
Get More Coaching Or Therapy Clients
Most of our MensGroup moderators are members that want to help other guys contribute back to the community. That being said, we also accept coaches or therapists. And while we have strict rules like NO-SELLING in meetings, our moderators tell us they get lots of clients just from being the leader.
By leading men’s groups, guys will take notice and it will help you build a following.
Even with our NO SELLING rules strictly enforced, we’ve had guys build their entire coaching, therapy or self-improvement course clients list just from being a leader in the MensGroup Community!
Improve Communication Skills
There is no better arena for improving your communication skills than in a men’s group.
Leading men’s groups will get you comfortable with discussing sensitive topics. You’ll learn to speak more boldly. You can practice speaking confidently and concisely. You’ll get feedback from members and facilitators on how you could communicate better.
We’ve seen hundreds of shy, awkward, anxious men step into leading MensGroup meetings. With our training, the supportive community, and repetition these men are now strong leaders and communicators.
You could be one of them.
Start Your Own Men’s Group!
Your Group. Your Topic. Your Format.
Have a particular issue you’d like to discuss with the guys? Is there a topic you think guys would like to be supported around? Have your own philosophy on a sub-topic of self-improvement that you’d like to share? As a Men’s Group Moderator, we’ll help you launch any new meetings you want to try out.
Submit Your Info Below To Become A MensGroup Moderator!
By submitting your information below, you are agree to the MensGroup Moderator Rules and Terms of Service. Click here to read these terms.