Dating Support Groups: Top 5 Dating and Relationship Support Groups

Are you looking for dating support groups? do you need support and guidance on dating? Are you considering going back to the dating scene? Do you know anyone who can benefit from a dating support group? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you have come to the right place.

Hi. My name is Sean Galla. I am a facilitator for online support groups. Some of my work involves overseeing dating support groups and helping people, especially men, to navigate the ever-changing dating scene.

In my more than 10 years as a facilitator, I have seen firsthand how important support group therapy can be for people looking to date for the first time or after a long time. If you are considering starting to date again or are dating, joining a dating support group is one of the best decisions you can make.

In this article, you will find helpful information on dating support groups and why they are important.

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Written by

Sean Galla

An experienced facilitator, community builder and Peer Support Specialist, Sean has been running men's groups for 10+ years. Read Sean's Full Author Bio.

What Is a Dating Support Group?

A dating support group is a type of forum where people dating or looking to date can go for advice, recommendations, or guidance. The dating scene is ever-changing. If you have been out of the game for a while, getting back into dating can be confusing and intimidating. Being part of a dating support group ensures that you have a place to share, be heard, and get help to help you ease back into dating on sites like tinder or even emailing for dates.  

In today’s world, a single Google search gives you access to a therapist and psychotherapists for everything, including relationships. However, not everyone can afford a relationship therapist or dating therapist. While most people may have groups of friends they can share their dating experiences with, some people, especially men, find it hard to open up about their personal lives, even to their closest friends. This is why dating support groups like exist. This type of group works by creating a safe space to share and learn everything about dating. 

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Dating Support Groups

Why You Should Join a Dating Support Group

When you have relationship questions or need to tell someone what happened last night during your date or hookup, it helps to talk to people who do not know you. This takes away the judgment or shame from your experience. A dating support group is a safe meetup group where you can talk about your dating ideas, fails, and experiences in the company of other men or women going through the same phase in life.

Being part of a dating support group also helps online daters to see different dating situations from different angles based on different experiences by other members. In a dating support group, you get to share and hear about the dating highs and lows experienced by fellow members. You will learn that self-doubt, frustrations, excitements, hope, and missteps are all part of dating. This way, you will be more resilient when you face hurdles in your dating journey.  

Whether online or offline, dating support groups are confidential groups that are led by professionals to help people navigate the dating scene, find why they are stuck, and what they can do to enjoy a better dating experience.

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What Is Discussed in a Dating Support Group?

Readiness to date

Sometimes, self-doubt and low self-esteem can make you think that you are not ready to date, and yet you are. Being in an interactive dating support group gives you a chance to learn and gain clarity. When you better understand who you are and what it is you want, you will be able to get over your self-doubt and jump into the dating scene since you will know when the time is right for you.

Navigating your firsts

First dates are the hardest, especially if you have never been on a date before or have not dated in a long while. Being part of a support group for dating will make your first sates easier. It will help boost your self-confidence and teach you how to hold conversations and keep the date interesting. If you are lucky, you may score a second and third date following the advice you get from your support group.

Determining what you are looking for in a spouse

Whether you are already dating or looking to start dating, you need o first determine what you need in a significant other. A dating support group will make it easier for you to determine what you are looking for in a spouse based on your unique qualities as an individual.

Self-esteem issues

Being single, especially if you are older, can be scary and makes you feel vulnerable. Most people possess a powerful inner critic and often focus on their shortcomings instead of their strengths. Being part of a dating support group will help you address your self-esteem issues, ensure you feel good about yourself, and confident enough to approach the dating scene.

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online dating support groups

Developing a relationship-smart brain

According to brain studies and neuroscience, scientists have accurately determined how the brain develops and heals when responding to stress and love. Because of neuroplasticity, people can focus their brains on growth and improvement. Being part of a dating support group will help you develop a habit of making small changes each day to become a better man, spouse, and friend. This enables you to become a better partner to your significant other when dating.   

You learn to be approachable.

In a dating support group, you are taught how to be friendly, open, and upbeat to make it easier for you to approach and attract people you are attracted to. Cultivating these attributes requires confidence and intentions, and this is what you learn in a dating support group. These groups are about men who are in constant support of one another as they try new ways of dating.

Processing your dates

Dating can be confusing, even to people who have been on the scene for a while. A dating support group is a fantastic place to talk about your date experiences. A dating support group will help you deal with your past traumas to ensure the insecurities do not manifest during your dates. It also helps you understand different signals you pick up during the date and what they could mean.

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Recommendations for the Best Dating Support Groups for Relationship Advice

My Therapy NYC

My Therapy NYC is located in New York City offers couples dating help to couples that feel disconnected or people looking to start dating again after a painful ordeal in the past. This support group reminds couples that dating is a continuous part of a relationship, regardless of how long you have been together. They help couples reignite their lost flame and make the relationship feel as good as new through dating.

Philadelphia Couples Therapy Singles Support Group

Philadelphia Couples Therapy Singles Support Group is an all-inclusive online dating support group by Philadelphia couples therapy for single individuals looking to get into dating or struggling to meet long-term partners. The meetings take place virtually every Wednesday and cost $45 per session. It works to foster camaraderie and confidence amongst local singles as they navigate the dating scene looking for their long-term partners.  

Love is Respect

Love is Respect online dating support group teaches the fundamentals of dating to help people dating or looking to date in building healthy relationships. They help people who are new to dating with issues about intimacy, dating etiquette, and how to look out for potential abusive spouses.  They offer the resources needed to empower men and women to make the best decisions when dating.

Reddit Relationship Advice

Reddit has a relationship forum where people from anywhere in the world can come together and share dating advice, experiences, and support. This forum is full of no-nonsense, helpful contributors ready to answer any relationship questions you may have. This is a free access support forum where contributors can access anonymously or using their real identities. The large subscriber community will ensure you get answers to any dating questions you may have.


Dating is one of the areas of life most men experience confusion about. If you are a man looking for clarity and guidance in the dating scene, you can join Men’s Group, an online support group for men. In this group, you will meet like-minded men who have experience with dating and relationships.

anger management meetings onlineIn the mensgroup dating support group, you will get practical advice on what to do on your first date or even ask a woman on a date without getting turned down. Mensgroup teaches men everything they need to know about dating in the modern day and relationships in general.

It is here that you will learn at a healthy relationship is and how to know if you are in one. In this covid-19 pandemic, an online dating support group will make it easier for you to get online dating advice to help you enjoy those virtual dates whether you are in San Diego or NYC. Mensgroup will recommend the best dating app or dating sites to help you get those dates in this era of social distancing.


Dating can be confusing and demanding, especially if you are new to it. Being part of a dating support group will ensure you have an easier time while dating. If you cannot find a physical meeting dating support group in your locality, consider joining an online dating support group like Being part of the best support group will make your dating experience easier and more enjoyable.  

1. The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating
2. Modern Love: Scientific Insights from 21st Century Dating
3. The science of online dating
4. Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say Dating Has Gotten Harder for Most People in the Last 10 Years
5. 10 Online Dating Statistics You Should Know