Our Men's Groups & Thriving Discussion Community Will Help You Overcome Challenges, Accelerate Personal Growth & Build Supportive Friendships.

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What's It Like In A Men's Group?

This is a video clip from one of our real men’s groups where everyday guys share what it was like to be in one of our online men’s groups.

How did they like it? What was talked about? Did they find it awkward? Was it weird?

You’ll find more Men’s Group reviews here.

A Few Of The Challenges We Tackle Together

Divorce & Breakups

“Nice Guy Syndrome”

Improving Communication

Managing Emotions

Being A Dad

Family Issues

Work & Purpose


The Benefits Of A Men’s Group

Save Time

Seeing how men handled similar men’s issues and receiving guidance from men’s support groups will save you time & energy compared to trying to figure it all out on your own.

Fun Social Time

Most men have a hard time creating & maintaining friendships as they age. Yet social time is important. Banter, camaraderie, brotherhood, and being a part of a social community feels great.

Better Husband & Dad

Learning from other men will fast track your journey to becoming a better father, partner & friend. Learn to communicate better as a man and you’ll see temendous benefit in your relationships.

Happier & Successful

You won’t reach your potential living in a bubble. Receiving perspective and guidance in a virtual men’s group is by far the fastest way to achieve more happiness and success.

Get Stuff Off Your Chest

If we don’t have a safe place to vent we will put everything on our family, friends, or partner. A men’s support group will help you get stuff off your chest so you don’t take it out on others.

Real Friendships

You will build friendships with inspiring men who share your values, goals and interests. Life long friendships come from being there for each other in men’s support groups.

It feels so good to hear a guy say,  “Oh man I went through that same thing. I FEEL YA... Here’s what I did. Here’s what I learned. ”

What We Do Here

Men’s Groups

We hand-place you in confidential men’s groups that share your goals and values. We then facilitate convenient & private bi-weekly online men’s groups via video conference. You can access our online men’s groups by joining our free community.

Online Discussions

A private discussion area where you can get post questions & receive quick answers on a wide range of men’s group topics. You’ll see tons of  wisdom from  guys who have been through similar things. It’s free to get started by entering your info below!

Articles & Videos

Aside from joining a men’s group or our online discussion forum, we also boast a long list of recommended videos and articles that cover a wide range of men’s issues that guys face on their personal growth journies.

We Are The Leader In Online Men’s Groups

Meetings Held
Different Countries
Questions Asked
Net Promoter Score

There is no faster way to learn & grow than talking things through with others who have already

Why An Online Men’s Group?

A LOT Less Costly

A counsellor can cost upwards of $150-200 per hour. Men’s support groups cost a lot less. Here you’ll get 4 hours per month at a small fraction of the cost. Online men’s groups are the most affordable option.

Super Convenient

No need to commute or fly to men’s support group meetings, you can attend from the comfort of your home, office or while you’re on the road.  Guys love the convenience of an online men’s support group.

More Confidential

Most men don’t want to run into guys from their support group on the street. Online men’s groups are more confidential. Most of the guys don’t live in your area so it feels more anonymous and confidential.