How to Find Meaning in Work: 11 Ways Men Can Find Meaning in Work

Are you looking for meaning in your work? Does it feel like a struggle to go to work? Does your job feel meaningless? Do you want your career to add meaning to your life? This article will give you tips on how to find meaning in work.

Hi. I am Sean Galla, a moderator for men’s forums and support groups where men come together to hold meaningful banter, support one another, and talk about issues affecting men in the modern-day. One of the most commonly discussed topics is how to find meaning in work.

Finding meaning in your work can make it more fulfilling, give you a sense of purpose and make you a better person. Here is everything you need to know about finding meaning in your work.

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Written by

Sean Galla

An experienced facilitator, community builder and Peer Support Specialist, Sean has been running men's groups for 10+ years. Read Sean's Full Author Bio.


Why Finding Meaning in Work Is Important

If you ask any executive what promotes employee engagement, he will probably mention a good salary, paid holidays, and job perks. While this may seem like an ideal answer, most executives do not fully understand how or what energizes their employees or motivates them to find meaning in what they do.  

Being able to work passionately, regardless of what you do, brings meaning and satisfaction to your work. When you find meaning in work, it helps you to understand the significance of your tasks to the organization, which motivates you to complete them.

Learning how to find meaning in work can go a long way in helping you overcome obstacles to work purposefully towards a given goal. This article discusses why finding meaning in your work is important and how you can find meaning in your work.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for information about How to Find Purpose as a Man, then follow now.

Why Finding Meaning in Work Is Important

According to research, finding meaningful work can drive up job satisfaction for a lot of workers more than good pay or better benefits would. In a 2017 survey, 9 out of 10 employees claimed that they would sacrifice 23% of their pay for meaningful work.

For any employer, ensuring the employees find meaning in their work can pay off generously for the company. According to Amy Wrzesniewski, job crafting can go a long way in changing cognitive, task, and relational boundaries among employees. This helps to shape interactions and relationships with others at work for the greater good. 

Other benefits include:

  • Career professionals who find their job meaningful put in one extra hour per week on average.
  • Employees with fulfilling work take at least two fewer paid leave days annually.
  • Employees who find meaning in their work have higher levels of job satisfaction, which means greater productivity.
  • Employees who find their jobs meaningful generate $5,437 more per worker per year.
  • Employees with “highly meaningful” jobs have a 69% less likelihood of quitting in the next six months and staying with a company up to 7.4 months longer than staffers who don’t find meaning in their jobs.

It is particularly important for companies to ensure that senior-level employees find meaning in their work.  The turnover costs for high-level positions are always higher compared to that of the average employee. Large companies can save up to $55 million in annual turnover costs for every 10,000 managers who find meaning in their work.

Tips on How to Find Meaning in Work

Promote workplace positivity

One tip on how to find meaning in work is through promoting positivity in your workplace. This includes holding positive conversations with co-coworkers, the manager, and customers. This makes it easy for you to apply a constructive mindset towards your work.

You can cultivate a positive work environment through reasonable expectations, upbeat language, and having a positive attitude. This helps you see the beneficial aspects of your job and coworkers.

Remember your values

Remembering why you chose your job can go a long way in helping you find meaning in your work. For instance, you can take time to discover the parts of your job you enjoy. This way, you identify the areas that require improvement and work on them to enjoy job satisfaction.

You can also consider scheduling a meeting with your manager to discuss the changes you want to make to enjoy more job satisfaction.

Understand your job better

Understand your job better

Understanding why your role contributes to the overall company productivity is also an ideal way of finding meaning in your career. This includes understanding the company’s purpose as it helps you better understand your work’s purpose. By understanding how the company works and your role, you can find more motivation to remain productive.

Finding meaning in your work can mean taking time to learn who your clients are and how they use your products. You can also invest time to get to know your clients better and learn how your work affects their lives. Learning the benefit of your work to others helps you find new meaning in what you do.

Offer help to someone else

It is possible to find meaning in work by becoming a positive force in your workplace and offering help wherever it is needed. If a coworker finds a certain task challenging, being of help can bring meaning to your duties and mindset. Being of help to others can also help you reevaluate the basic principles of what you do. This way, you can rediscover aspects of your job that you enjoy.

Aspire to improve your skillset

Another way to find meaning in your work is shifting your mindset to aim for expertise. This is particularly important if you suddenly get bored with your current role. If this is the case, it may be time to find a new challenge in your job. For example, if you easily meet your productivity goal, you can raise the expectation higher and make it a personal challenge.

Raising your expertise standards in your role helps to build your skills. You can also gain expertise by participating in conferences, job-related workshops, and training. By becoming more competent in what you do through continuous learning, you find more meaning in your job.

Be a team player

Becoming a team player in your place of work is an excellent way of helping you to find meaning in your work. Even if your tasks are not always team projects, asking for advice from your team promotes a friendly conversation and can provide a unique solution for your task.

Working closely with colleagues promotes a positive and happy workplace environment, bringing new meaning to your work through comradery.

Consider a career change

Sometimes, finding meaning in your work can remain a challenge, no matter how much you try. When this happens, you should consider changing careers.

You can find something that applies to your current skills and workplace expectations by searching for open positions on internet job forums, social media, or recruiter websites like LinkedIn. Ensure you research possible opportunities thoroughly before applying.

Work with checklists

If you are having a hard time finding meaning in your work, you can consider creating a checklist to help you find a new purpose and stay productive. Dividing your tasks on a checklist ensures you remain dedicated to your goals and also allows you to evaluate your tasks based on a listed format.

Create time for personal projects

Taking time away from your day-to-day work and shifting your focus toward personal projects can also help you find meaning in your work and work-life balance. Time away from work helps to fight burnout and allows you to be more productive and motivated once you get back to work.

Additionally, working on your personal goals help you focus on non-career objectives in small ways, thus freeing your mind of job-related stress. This way, you feel rejuvenated once you get back to work.

Minimize work-related stress

Sometimes, having too much work-related stress can make it feel like you hate your job. This can affect your mental health and overall well-being. One way you can find meaning in your work and enjoy your job more is by reducing job-related stress.

Reducing work-related stress helps you remember why you enjoy your career. One way to reduce work stress is learning to stress less over minor details or distant deadlines and focus solely on your immediate tasks.

Join a support group

Join a support group

Sometimes, the only thing you need is to have a close-knit group of people away from your work. Having people you can talk to about your work and stresses can help you find meaning in your work. Support groups offer a safe space for people to vent, ask for help, and get motivated better in their careers.

Men’s Group is an online support group for men where you can come and talk about your work-related stress, seek advice on improving your productivity at work, and enjoy meaningless banter with fellow men after a long day at work.

Having a place to unwind with fellow men can help to free your mind from work-related thoughts and relax in preparation for the next day at work. Joining MensGroup is definitely one of the best ways to find meaning in your work.

As an online group, you can have unlimited access to advice and support, where you are in New York or the UK, especially in this pandemic. 


When people appreciate and find a higher purpose in their daily work, they grow their capacity to seek fulfillment and seize it. This increases the value of meaningfulness in their work and ensures satisfaction and happiness in their work. By following the tips in this article, you will have mastered the art of how to find meaning in work.

1. Looking For Meaning In Your Work? Here Are 15 Ways To Do It
2. How to Find Meaning When Your Job Feels Meaningless
3. How To Find Meaning In Your Job And Work Happily
4. Finding Meaning At Work: How We Shape And Think About Our Jobs
5. Eight Ways to Find More Meaning at Work