Ram Dass – How to get your spiritual and physical life in sync

Ram Dass – How to get your spiritual and physical life in sync

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Ram Dass talks about being too formless and feeling disconnected from the physical. He talks about the importance of being grounded and getting your act together.

Ram Dass was an American spiritual teacher, modern yoga guru, psychologist, and writer.

Many individuals embark on spiritual journeys in search of meaning and connection with the spiritual realm. However, upon achieving this connection, they often find it challenging to maintain a balance between their spiritual and physical lives, a struggle that is all too familiar.

Ram Dass talks about the need to balance the two worlds to ensure one is not neglected in pursuit of the other. According to him, most people neglect their physical world and self once they experience the spiritual high. They forget that even with a connection to their spiritual self, they still need to find balance in their physical self since this is the realm they currently live in.

Upon experiencing an ‘awakening,’ individuals are blessed with the opportunity to connect with spirits through modalities and meditation. This connection brings about an elevated vibration that opens their consciousness to the collective, a truly inspiring and beautiful experience.

However, solely focusing on this aspect of self while neglecting the physical causes an imbalance since you neglect the need for grounding in the physical experience. Ram Dass says that striking a balance in both realms is the only way to achieve both highs. Spending too much time focusing on connecting with the spirit robs you of the opportunity to experience the purpose of the physical experience. In turn, this can derail experiencing lessons needed to open your soul to advance in the spiritual realm.

Mensgroup is an online men-only support forum that can help you remain grounded in the physical by helping you deal with or address issues that make you subconsciously want to escape the physical.

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