Sean Galla Live: Al Jazeera On Men’s Issues

Sean Galla Live: Al Jazeera On Men’s Issues

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Are men becoming more conservative in the modern day and women more liberal? What has contributed to the difference in opinion amongst gender groups? Sean Galla joins a panel on Al Jazeera on the topic.

Sean Galla is the founder of MensGroup, a podcaster, and a community builder. He has facilitated online support forums for men for more than 15 years. The support groups he facilitates give men a space to come together to discuss different issues affecting their daily lives.

I see that men are more confused than ever about what it means to be a man and how to interact with other the other gender.”

The apparent disagreement between men and women on significant issues is often fueled by societal and external influences that portray a gender war. However, this is a misrepresentation. If men and women engage in open, respectful dialogue, they would realize that they share similar life experiences and challenges, fostering mutual understanding and reducing perceived conflict.

Besides social media, there is also this narrative which is co by both uh right-wing and more conservative and more and very leftwing uh feminists that pit men against women. These are narratives that are very unhelpful, and they uh seem that if men uh if women are to progress, men are going to feel worse, which is not true.”

Research has consistently shown that the key to happiness and wellbeing is healthy relationships and a supportive community. Therefore, it is crucial for men and women to recognize the value of each other’s perspectives and experiences. Gender equality and societal harmony can only be achieved through mutual understanding and cooperation, not through perceived threats to one gender’s progression over the other.

If you would like to learn more about positive masculinity, is an online platform with all the answers.


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Written by

Sean Galla

An experienced facilitator, community builder and Peer Support Specialist, Sean has been running men's groups for 10+ years. Read Sean's Full Author Bio.


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